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Thursday, September 25, 2014


The love and care from parents are everything to me. Since I was children, I think it really important for children to get a support, love, and care from parents. Children should be priority to parents. It is because how the children grow up and how children eventually parent can be determine by parent's love and care. That shows how important love and care from parents.

I just start to feel independent in my life when I need to stay at hostel. It begin since I was form four. Until now I stayed on my foot. I learn how to independent. But behind my foot,there is another foot that always giving their love,their care and always support me whatever I do. They are my parents. I will never forget their love and care on me. I will love my parents and treat them with loving care till the end of my life.
I will never forget them. I love them. I love them. I love my parents so much!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

sahabat..aku rindu


"ketika dirimu perlu memilih,pilihlah pilihan yang mendekatkan dirimu dengan allah..."

semakin hari semakin ku kenal siapa sahabat dan siapa kawan...
dialah yang selalu tegur saat aku salah.
dialah yang selalu disisi saat aku jatuh tersungkur..
aku rindu...ya rindu sangat...rindu saat berukhwah kerana allah..rindu saat saling tegur kerana allah..
allah..dialah sahabat...aku rindu...

"disaat air mata mengalir,dia ada bersama menenangkan aku..
disaat aku mula terjatuh,dia hulurkan tangan...
tidak pernah terabai saat bersama dia..tidak pernah sekali pun.
sekarang aku mulai sedar hakikat seorang  yang bernama sahabat.."


   "maybe Allah wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,si that when we finally meet that person,we will gratefull"

"some people are like clouds,when they disappear,it is a brighter day.don't be that person!"


maaf,mungkin selama ini aku bukanlah sahabat yg baik..maaf lagi,mungkin selama ini aku sering melalaikanmu..maaf lagi,mungkin selama ini aku membuatmu rasa tersisih....maaf sangat,mungkin selama ini juga akusering tidak memahami mu...maaf sungguh,mungkin selama ini ada bicaraku yang pedih..maaf..aku hanya manusia biasa..moga Allah  selalu menyayangimu..tak kira siapapun kamu.kamu tetap sahabatku...

salam sayang,